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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Scott Walker Recall News - Is Tom Barrett Better? Scott Walker Recall News - Is Tom Barrett Better? Scott Walker was born out of state, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Then his family moved to Iowa and finally to Delavan, Wisconsin when Walker was 10. He later migrated to the Milwaukee area and attended the Catholic Marquette University, but never graduated. He has pretty much been a career politician since then. Did he ever have a real job? No, which might explain why he is so anti-labor. So is this a man very qualified to be governor of Wisconsin? No. He's poorly educated, rather young and inexperienced at 44. Very anti-labor maybe because this lazy guy never held a real job and doesn't relate to ordinary poor, working class, and middle class Americans. Not originally from Wisconsin, so he's happy to get two thirds of his campaign contributions from out of state billionaires, such as the Koch brothers. So a man falsely claiming to be one of the anti-union Koch brothers called the young governor's office and immediately got through and Walker, from Colorado Springs, talked to this supposed Koch brother for no less than 15 minutes. If I as a poor resident of Wisconsin, who has lived here all my life, call the governor's office am I going to get Walker on the phone at all? Probably not. The Bible has the Apostle Paul telling Timothy to be "doing nothing by partiality." See


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