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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Was Mitt Romney A Bully In High School?
Did a young Mitt Romney bully a gay student, tackle him and cut his newly dyed blonde hair with a scissors? Now this was when young Romney was already 18 years old at his private, exclusive boarding school "Cranbrook." Several witnesses, now both Republicans and Democrats, remember the incident vividly. “It happened very quickly, and to this day it troubles me,” Thomas Buford said. “What a senseless, stupid, idiotic thing to do.” “It was vicious,” said Philip Maxwell. “He was just easy pickins,” said Matthew Friedemann. Then a little later when another supposedly gay male student was speaking in a class the young Romney hollered out, "Atta girl."

Now if you had done something like this when you were in high school is it likely that you would have forgotten it? Not likely. The student who was assaulted by the rich young Romney still remembered the incident 30 years later. When one of the men who had witnessed Romney in attacking the gay student, John Lauber, recognized him in Chicago and asked him about it, Lauber replied, "It was horrible. It’s something I have thought about a lot since then.” And then John Lauber died of cancer in 1994. So are we going to elect a man who was a big time bully at 18 years of age in high school, who still remains apparently unapologetic about it, who at the drop of a hat lies about it and claims he doesn't remember the incident? Who maintained a numbered Swiss bank account for years to avoid paying his fair share of taxes? Who outsourced countless US jobs overseas as CEO of Bain Capital? "All liars ... shall have their part in the lake of fire." Revelation 21:8.