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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Scott Walker Recall News - Is Tom Barrett Better? Scott Walker Recall News - Is Tom Barrett Better? Scott Walker was born out of state, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Then his family moved to Iowa and finally to Delavan, Wisconsin when Walker was 10. He later migrated to the Milwaukee area and attended the Catholic Marquette University, but never graduated. He has pretty much been a career politician since then. Did he ever have a real job? No, which might explain why he is so anti-labor. So is this a man very qualified to be governor of Wisconsin? No. He's poorly educated, rather young and inexperienced at 44. Very anti-labor maybe because this lazy guy never held a real job and doesn't relate to ordinary poor, working class, and middle class Americans. Not originally from Wisconsin, so he's happy to get two thirds of his campaign contributions from out of state billionaires, such as the Koch brothers. So a man falsely claiming to be one of the anti-union Koch brothers called the young governor's office and immediately got through and Walker, from Colorado Springs, talked to this supposed Koch brother for no less than 15 minutes. If I as a poor resident of Wisconsin, who has lived here all my life, call the governor's office am I going to get Walker on the phone at all? Probably not. The Bible has the Apostle Paul telling Timothy to be "doing nothing by partiality." See

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Charity Evaluation
Read my charity evaluation of the best charity to donate to. I need to raise seed money and startup capital to start my business. I'm planning on becoming a binary options investor according to this website: This is a great binary options system explained by ex-stock broker turned independent trader Keith Jones. The basis of this free strategy centers around 60 second options, something that very few binary options platforms offer. The strategy is very sound, and what he shows you is how you follow a trend in the EUR/USD forex market and use a progressive buying strategy to capitalise on the small currency fluctuations over a .5 decimal base over the period of just 1 minute, so you can earn money from binary options very quickly indeed. Keith claims that this strategy has a 100% success rate (he averages $80 to $150 an hour profits).

Whilst testing out this free binary options system over a period of 5 days a reviewer was able to generate an impressive $6200 from a starting trade of just $5 and a bank of just $300. Quite impressive stuff I think you will agree. So what I need is $300 seed money and startup capital to get started. You can donate all or any part of this to my Paypal account by hitting the Donate link at the following link: Or you could mail your donation to:

Brother Roger Bovee
PO Box 404
Wautoma, WI 54982

Thanks for helping because I really need the added income to provide for my ministry!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Seed Money Startup Capital
I need to raise seed money and startup capital to start my business. I'm planning on becoming a binary options investor according to this website: This is a great binary options system explained by ex-stock broker turned independent trader Keith Jones. The basis of this free strategy centers around 60 second options, something that very few binary options platforms offer. The strategy is very sound, and what he shows you is how you follow a trend in the EUR/USD forex market and use a progressive buying strategy to capitalise on the small currency fluctuations over a .5 decimal base over the period of just 1 minute, so you can earn money from binary options very quickly indeed. Keith claims that this strategy has a 100% success rate (he averages $80 to $150 an hour profits).

Whilst testing out this free binary options system over a period of 5 days a reviewer was able to generate an impressive $6200 from a starting trade of just $5 and a bank of just $300. Quite impressive stuff I think you will agree. So what I need is $300 seed money and startup capital to get started. You can donate all or any part of this to my Paypal account by hitting the Donate link below. Thanks for helping because I really need the added income!
Was Mitt Romney A Bully In High School?
Did a young Mitt Romney bully a gay student, tackle him and cut his newly dyed blonde hair with a scissors? Now this was when young Romney was already 18 years old at his private, exclusive boarding school "Cranbrook." Several witnesses, now both Republicans and Democrats, remember the incident vividly. “It happened very quickly, and to this day it troubles me,” Thomas Buford said. “What a senseless, stupid, idiotic thing to do.” “It was vicious,” said Philip Maxwell. “He was just easy pickins,” said Matthew Friedemann. Then a little later when another supposedly gay male student was speaking in a class the young Romney hollered out, "Atta girl."

Now if you had done something like this when you were in high school is it likely that you would have forgotten it? Not likely. The student who was assaulted by the rich young Romney still remembered the incident 30 years later. When one of the men who had witnessed Romney in attacking the gay student, John Lauber, recognized him in Chicago and asked him about it, Lauber replied, "It was horrible. It’s something I have thought about a lot since then.” And then John Lauber died of cancer in 1994. So are we going to elect a man who was a big time bully at 18 years of age in high school, who still remains apparently unapologetic about it, who at the drop of a hat lies about it and claims he doesn't remember the incident? Who maintained a numbered Swiss bank account for years to avoid paying his fair share of taxes? Who outsourced countless US jobs overseas as CEO of Bain Capital? "All liars ... shall have their part in the lake of fire." Revelation 21:8.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Penny Stock Egghead Reviews - Scam? I know quite a lot about Penny Stock Egghead and here's my review. Do a Google search for Penny Stock Egghead review and you won't find one negative review - not one. Try it! That should tell you something. If people are disappointed they'll usually squawk about it. I understand that the refund rate for Penny Stock Egghead is just about 0%. That's pretty amazing considering that the price for this is a one time $97 for a lifetime of once a week (usually Thursday or Friday) picks. You know that at that price people will be asking for a refund (you have 56 days to do this) if they aren't happy with the picks. By comparison a similar penny stocks newsletter by Steve Parker was getting a 96% refund rate. One woman reviewer says that she doubled her money with Nathan's picks in five weeks. Here's another by an actual user: "Following the Penny Stock Investing Egghead’s recommendation, I purchased a couple of 500 shares of GPL at $2.40. I added more enroute up and finally offered near $5 for any gain well over 100% on my small core position. This wouldn’t happen to be possible without their help!" Here's another: "With YESD I made in regards to a 40% gain, an $800.00 profit, within a few hours. Using Nathan’s help I could monitor an investment carefully and exit in the right moment. That’s the kind of work I’m able to get accustomed to!" So remember that with this product you have a full 56 days to try out the product and if you're at all unhappy just ask for a refund and Clickbank, a member of the Better Business Bureau, will give you one promptly with no questions. Is a one time $97 expensive for this? Not if it's as good as everyone's saying it is because it could make you rich before long. Timothy Sykes has a well respected penny stocks newsletter, but his is $50 a MONTH. That would add up to the $97 in a couple months, and I really think the Penny Stock Egghead one is a lot better. Peter Leeds has one for a couple hundred a year the last I heard (it keeps going up all the time) and most people say the Penny Stock Egghead one is a lot better. A service called Falcon Stocks has a very good penny stock newsletter with documented results. This one probably is about as good as the Penny Stock Egghead, but this again is $50 a MONTH. So for this type of service it's cheap. If I were you I would buy the service and paper trade it for a few weeks. Make sure it's winning at an 80 to 90% rate and that the wins are big and the occasional loss is small. Then set up an account (I recommend Options House) for $1,000 or more and start trading for real. Remember that with penny stocks Timothy Sykes turned his $12,000 Bar Mitzvah gifts into $1,000,000+ in about a year as a 13 year old kid. Peter Leeds and many others have had similar results. I'm convinced that using the Penny Stock Egghead picks you can do the same. See

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Who Wants to Make $100 a Day Online? How to Use Forum Posting to Make Money Online
Who Wants to Make $100 a Day Online? How to Use Forum Posting to Make Money Online By Kelly Arnes "First, let's start by understanding why forums are so valuable and how we can leverage that value to make money. This will also serve as a guide to avoid some of the pitfalls along the way... If a message board receives postings from knowledgeable people regularly, its user base grows. In order to attract talented users, webmasters pay people to post in the forums. This is beneficial for them and the people who post because the websites become active allowing the webmaster to make money. If you are knowledgeable about a certain topic, you can post relevant content on a forum and get compensated. There are specific rules, conditions and terms that you have to follow when posting in forums. There are also certain levels of membership in the forums. By posting in the forums on a daily basis, you will enhance the credibility of your profile and how you relate with the readers. Your profile image, credibility and profile level is displayed on all your posts or your replies to forum threads. If you have a good profile, readers will trust you and view you as an authority. Some forums allow you to place a signature below your posts. Usually it is recommended that you post at least 50 times before trying to advertise via your signature. And don't post all 50 at once, you don't want to come off as a spammer. Post once or twice and wait an hour or so. Also be sure to read the rules of the forum, especially rules about posting and using your signature. You're usually allowed to place one or two links for your personal resources. Readers will pay a visit to your resources frequently if they find out that you are knowledgeable in a particular niche through your ranking or profile level. How to use forum posting to make money online... You can choose to do one of the following: Create a blog to build traffic and then monetize it. Utilize affiliate marketing by selecting a product in a niche that is related to the forum you are posting on and then forward that traffic to your products page. You can also create a free forum account in a similar niche. It should have a high Alexa and Google PR rank. The next step after this is to fill up your profile fully and then keep posting, researching and reading on a regular basis. You should then add the links of your affiliate marketing product or monetized blog in your signature when the forum allows you to do so. You will achieve good results by doing this. You should not expect to get rich overnight, be patient and keep posting on a steady basis. You can also go to freelancing websites and browse through the job categories. Jobs related to forum posting are usually posted under the copy writing or writing sections. These sites allow you to apply for forum posting jobs using your contact details. Forum posting can be fun... allowing you to show off your knowledge and be helpful to others. You can participate and build relationships with others in the forum. While at the same time monetizing your efforts..." See

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Are you looking for a national payday loan? All credit accepted. No credit check. Instant approval for up to $1,500. Apply now and get your cash by tomorrow. The easy application takes only 2 minutes.

Credit history checks

Although it is up to the lenders to run their own credit checks, Team Quick Cash informs it’s users that payday loan stores don’t usually run checks through Experian, Equifax or Trans Union. However, they may consult with alternate consumer reporting providers. They provide no information on how a bad credit score will affect the lender’s choice of offering you credit.

Maximum amount offered

The amount you can borrow depends on several factors, such as your income, how long you have been employed, and the lender’s policies. After filling in the application form, you will be contacted by a representative of a lender, who will let you know how much they can offer you. If you meet all the conditions, you can expect a top amount in the range of $1,500.

Speed of service

Filling in the signup form takes two minutes. After the application is recorded, it will be forwarded to a lender and one of its representatives will contact you to explain to you the terms and confirm your request. Afterwards, you should expect the money to be wired to your account within one business day. Sometimes even in a couple hours. I recommend that you contact your bank’s ACH if you believe the transaction is taking too long, as this is most likely not the lender’s fault.

Costs involved

How much your loan will cost depends on the lender’s terms and its perception on how well you manage your financial obligations. The higher the risk the payday loan store believes you pose, the higher the fees and interest rates you will have to pay back. However, Team Quick Cash believes that no matter how high these are, they still don’t outweigh the risk of not having the funds when you need them – such as a sick relative, car emergencies or overdue bills you forgot about.

Ability to refinance or extend loans

Although this is solely the lender’s choice, Team Quick Cash advises that payday loan stores are usually open to allowing extension of loans, provided that some minimum requirements are met. You have to pay back a minimum amount before maturity and not have payment incidents. If you feel that you cannot pay back on time simply contact the lender and arrange a different schedule for the installments.

Overall look and feel

Following the testimonials on site, Team Quick Cash is a reliable service that has successfully put a lot of customers in touch with payday loan stores. Considering the speed of service and excellent customer support, I recommend them as a top way of finding a cash advance lender.

About Team Quick Cash

Featured in the top positions in payday loan top sites, Team Quick Cash acts as an intermediary between the borrower and private lenders. It doesn't act as a credit institution; as it doesn't make any decisions and doesn't make cash advances. They will not charge you for the service, nor do they guarantee approval of the credit.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Milwaukee DUI DWI Attorney Lawyer
Are you looking for the best DUI/DWI Attorney/Lawyer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin? Attorney Peter J. Heflin has been providing expert legal services to the Milwaukee, WI area for over 25 years. Attorney Heflin practices law in the areas of criminal and traffic law and offers personalized service catered to fit the specific needs of your case.
Illinois DUI Attorney
Looking for the best Illinois DUI Attorney? Joliet criminal law attorney Vincent Cornelius has the experience and skills to handle the case. For Chicago-area criminal defense attorney Vincent F. Cornelius, every case is different and every client deserves and receives special attention. From felony murder to traffic tickets, Mr. Cornelius knows the court system extremely well and fights for his clients' best interests through every step in that system. Please visit his website at or call him at 815-723-7300.
Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
Looking for the best Las Vegas DUI Lawyer? Las Vegas NV DUI Lawyer David R. Fischer - Call 702-547-3944 for a Qualified DUI Lawyer. A person faced with charges of drunk-driving needs a great defense in Las Vegas NV and the life-changing consequences that potentially follow a DUI arrest may cause them to want one of the most experienced and most competent Las Vegas DUI Lawyers working for them. DUI or driving under the influence is a criminal offense, which attracts criminal liabilities. Often people are not aware of the procedures regarding the hiring of a Las Vegas DUI lawyer. Online services provide a vast pool of resources regarding lawyers with extensive experience in DUI litigation and a reputation for going to trial in appropriate cases, rather than just pleading out their clients. They provide information on Las Vegas DUI lawyer fees and payment policies, which may refer to suitable flat fees or hourly rates. Calling the toll free number or emailing at the address provided at their websites can also help a person obtain information on a Las Vegas DUI lawyer.