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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How Can The Rich Help The Poor?
"How can the rich help the poor?" you may ask. Here's how. I'm a poor minister. I work in a factory. I drive an old, rusty 1985 Chevy Citation. My mechanic tells me I need a newer car right away but I don't have any money for one. It's so rusty the frame has cracked. It's literally being held together with a wire with a lot of weight on it so the frame doesn't rub on my back tire and give me a flat. And I need this to drive 12 miles and back to work every day to keep my paychecks coming in. And now the transmission is starting to go too. I need this to get to work every day and for my ministry activities. I might be able to get a newer one right now for $1,200 but have no money and bad credit. So if you're asking the question, "How can the rich help the poor?" here's how. Mail a check or money order for all or any part of the money I need, anything will help, to: Rev. Roger Bovee PO Box 404 Wautoma, WI 54982 USA.


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