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Sunday, February 21, 2010

"Him That Cometh Unto Me I Will In No Wise Cast Out." - Jesus

Jesus Christ said in John 6:37 "him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." Are you willing to come to Him? I like that. It is a catholic church, meaning universal or worldwide. Everyone is welcome. Old Pentecostal minister Smith Wigglesworth said he was catholic but not Roman Catholic. I've gone to some little churches and they look you over and they don't want you there. They don't want you there if you're poor. They don't want you there if you're sick or handicapped, but that's not the way Jesus is. Everyone's welcome.

"And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Acts 2:21. We come unto Jesus by calling on his name, and then we "shall be saved." Jesus Christ said "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28-30. We can cast our cares, our heavy burdens, on Him. Then take His burden, which is light, and His yoke, upon you. There's only two Masters, two gods out there, Jesus Christ and Satan. "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve." Do you want to serve God or the devil? It's that simple. You can choose what side you want to be on.

And then we need to get baptized in the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in other tongues. The early church was a Pentecostal church. They talked in tongues. We shouldn't be ashamed of this. "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ" the Apostle Paul said. John the Baptist said "He (Jesus) shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire." Matthew 3:11. In the early church they got saved, then they got baptized by IMMERSION in water, and then they got baptized with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. Then they kept speaking in tongues and groaning in the Spirit every day.

They fasted. They gave alms to the poor. They preached the gospel. They cast out demons. They prayed for the sick to get well with the laying on of hands. The same Jesus who saves you will baptize you in the Holy Spirit if you seek Him for it. The Bible says "Seek and ye shall find." Matthew 7:7. I don't care what church you go to, but get saved, baptized in the Holy Ghost, fast, pray, read the Bible (King James version) every day, give alms to the poor, and get baptized by IMMERSION in water if you have to baptize yourself in your bathtub. Don't just go through the motions. The Bible says Jesus will spew the lukewarm Christians out of His mouth when He comes again. Get on fire. Be a wise virgin with the oil of the Holy Spirit in your lamp, and you will be ready for His soon coming.

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pentecostal Sermon "Greater Works Than These" by Smith Wigglesworth

Greater Works Than These

Address given at Colombo, Ceylon. 1926

I want all you people to have a good time, all to be at ease, all to be without pain, I want all to be free.

There is a man here with great pain in his head, I am going to lay my hands on him in the name of Jesus and he shall tell you what God has done, I believe that would be the right thing to do, before I begin to preach to you, to help this poor man so that he shall enjoy the meeting like us, without any pain.

(The man referred to was in pain with his head wrapped up in a bandage, and after be was prayed for testified that he had no pain.)

I want you all to be in a place where we receive much blessing from God. It is not possible for any of you to go out with pain, if you would only believe God, the Word of God if you receive it tonight, it is life, it gives deliverance to every captive. I want to preach the Word tonight so that all the people will know, you will go with a knowledge of the deliverance of God.

I want everyone to receive a blessing at the commencement of the meeting, no one person need to live out of the plan of God. If you have pain in your knee if you believe when you stand up as sure as you are there you will be free. I believe the Word of God. God has promised if we will believe we can have whatsoever we ask.

We want you to have it changed. The present tense tunes are better than future tense tunes. If you get a full salvation you will have a present tense tune. It is a good thing to be able to hope for sometimes… but it is a better thing to have it.

I used to hope and trust I would be baptised in the Holy Ghost, but, when I spoke in Tongues, no! when He spoke, then I knew I was baptised. Before, I used to hope it would be so. You cannot move a fact by an argument, when you get baptized in the Holy Ghost the Spirit speaks through you, then you know it is done-You Know the Comforter has come. Has He come to you? Has the Comforter come to you?

You must have Him, you must be filled with the Spirit, you must have an overflowing, because Jesus says, after you have received the Holy Ghost ye shall have Power. We want you to have power.

Let us look at the Scriptures. Verily, verily I say that whatsoever you ask the Father in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name I will do it – I WILL DO IT, who says it? JESUS, that blessed Jesus, that lovely Jesus, that incarnation from heaven, that blessed Son of God. How He wants to bless, how He saves to the uttermost, no one spoke like He spoke. How? Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Hear what Jesus says - I come not into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through me might be saved. How beautiful. Jesus wants us all to be saved. Did you ever look at Him in His sympathy. Just take a vision of Him on the Mount of Olives and looking over Jerusalem weeping and saying Oh Jerusalem, Oh Jerusalem how often would I have gathered thee, and you would not. Shall it not be said of the people in Colombo, in Ceylon. How often would I have gathered thee as a hen gathered the chickens under her wings, and you would not. Will you. Hear what He said. WHATSOEVER YE SHALL ASK IN MY NAME I WILL DO IT. What do you want, how much do you want, do you want anything. Are you thirsty, are you hungry, Come unto me all that thirst and I will give you water of life. Are you hungry, he that eateth the flesh and drinketh the blood of the Son of man shall live for ever.

Do you want to live forever? Jesus who saves to the uttermost, He heals, He helps all that come to Him.

How many are coming for healing? How many for salvation? Listen - Whatsoever ye ask in my name I will do it, the Word of the living God, the Son of God. How beautifully God speaks of Him - This is my beloved Son, and yet He gave Himself for us, He gave Himself as ransom for us, Amen.

How many are going to receive Him? Take the Water of Life freely. You may say, how can I take Him. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. What is it to believe. He that heareth my Word and believeth on Him that sent me hath everlasting life.

Who are the people that followed Jesus – they that love Him in their hearts. Do you love Him in your hearts. From this day if you do love Him you will begin to hate all kinds of sin and you will love all kinds of righteousness, that is the secret. The man that says he loves God and loves the world – he is a liar. God says the truth is not in him. If a man loves the world the love of the Father is not in him, and you can tell tonight whether you love God or not. Do you love the world, then the love of the father is not in you. If you hate the world, then the love of the Lord Jesus is in you. Hallelujah.

I want to make you love Him. Is He worth loving? What has He done? He bought salvation. He died to deliver. The wages of sin is death. The gift of God is eternal life.

I leave it with you. Will you love Him, will you serve Him? Will you? He knows it. He understands.

There's no one that loves me like Jesus,
There's no one that knows me like Him,
Be knows all your sickness He knows all your sickness
There's no one that knows me like Him.

That's what He says. COME UNTO ME. He knows you are needy.

I want you to be blessed now, I find I get blessed as I ask, in the street, everywhere. If you find me in the street or anywhere, if I am alone I shall be talking to God, I make it my business to talk to God all the time. If I wake in the night I make it my business to pray and that’s the reason I believe that God keeps me right, always right, always ready. I believe that God the Holy Ghost keeps us living in communion with God.

I want you to begin now, begin talking to God.


John 14:12.
Jesus was the way and the truth, and therefore all that Jesus said was true. Jesus said truly, truly, if you believe greater works than these shall ye do because I go to the father. Has He gone? If I told you earthly things and left them - now I tell you heavenly things. The son of man is down, the son of man is up. The greatest and one of the deepest truths possible for the believer.

Do you see this Electric Light. That light is receiving power from the dynamo, it has a receiver and transmitter. The power house may be a mile or two away, the wires that are conveying the current to and from are covered. Where you are getting the light is bare wire, the juice is passing through the bare wire and gives you the light.

To bring it to you to night to understand the life in Christ. Jesus sends the light, and life through, and it illuminates the life then returns and just as you are holy inside, the revelation of God is made manifest and the life becomes full of illumination. My life is from Him, my life receives back to Him, and I am kept by the life of God.

I touch them and instantly they change. The Life of the Son of God goes through and passes on. I live by the faith of the Son of God.

He that believeth on Me - he that believeth. The devils believe and tremble. People follow Scripture as if it had nothing to do with it. The Scripture may be Life or letter. My spirit - my Word - what is the Word. It is spirit and life giving when we believe. What is believing, Believing is the asking of the divine life that God gives to Him. Who desires. Everyone in this place can have Divine Life.

We do not believe in baptismal regeneration. You cannot be saved by riches. Jesus says ye must be born again... The new birth comes through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you can be saved in the field as well as in a church. It is the heart, when the heart desires after righteousness, God makes Himself known, so we want you to be saved by the Blood tonight. Someone says I want to be saved. Shall I bring you to the Word, he that asketh receiveth, who says - Jesus says, he that asks receives.

If I ask Him to receive me
Will He say me nay,
Not till earth and not till heaven
Pass away.

Salvation is of the Lord. No man can save you, no man can heal you. If any one has been healed in these meetings it is the Lord that has healed them.

I would not take it under any circumstances that I can heal anybody, but I believe His Word - He that believeth on me greater works than these shall he do because I go to my Father. He is lovely, Lovely Jesus.

He knows it all, He knows it all,
My Father knows it all,
The bitter tears how fast they fall,
He knows, my Father knows it all.

Is not He lovely, if You get saved tonight you will have another song

He knows it all, He knows it all,
My father knows it all
The joy that comes that overflows
He knows, my Father knows it all.

Before I was baptised in the Holy Ghost, there were many songs I used to sing as they were written. God began a change; and He changed many songs. I believe God wants to change the Song in your heart.
He changed this song for me.

This is how it is sung,

Oh then it will be glory for me
It will be glory for me.

But God changed it,

Oh it is now Glory for me.
It is now glory for me,
As now by His grace I can look on His face,
Now it is glory, Glory for me.
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sermon: Immersed in the Holy Ghost by Smith Wigglesworth - United Pentecostal Church Beliefs

Immersed in the Holy Ghost

Published in Confidence p. 42-43 July-Sept 1920
Published in Triumphs of Faith p. 113-114 May 1921

The baptism of the Holy Ghost is a great beginning. I think the best word we can say is, “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” The greatest difficulty today with us is to be held in the place where it shall be God only. It is so easy to get our own mind to work. The working of the Holy Ghost is so different. I believe there is a mind of Christ, and we may be so immersed in the Spirit that we are all the day asking, “What wilt Thou have me to do?”

This has been a day in the Holy Ghost. The last three months have been the greatest days of my life. I used to think if I could see such and such things worked I should be satisfied; but I have seen greater things than I ever expected to see, and I am more hungry to see greater things yet. The great thing at conventions is to get us so immersed in God that we may see signs and wonders in the name of the Lord Jesus; a place where death has taken place and we are not, for God has taken us. If God has taken hold of us we will be changed by His power and might. You can depend on it, the Ethiopian will be changed. I find God has a plan to turn the world upside down, where we are not.

When I have been at my wit’s end, and have seen God open the door, I have felt I should never doubt God again. I have been taken to another place that was worse still. There is no place for us, and yet a place where God is, where the Holy Ghost is just showing forth and displaying His graces; a place where we will never come out, where we are always immersed in the Spirit, the glory of God being seen upon us. It is wonderful! There is a power behind the scenes that moves things. God can work in such a marvellous way....

I believe we have yet to learn what it would be with a Pentecostal Church in England that understood truly the work of intercession. I believe God the Holy Ghost wants to teach us that it is not only the people on the platform who can move things by prayer. You people, the Lord can move things through you. We have to learn the power of the breath of the Holy Ghost. If I am filled with the Holy Ghost, He will formulate the word that will come into my heart. The sound of my voice is only by the breath that goes through it. When I was in a little room at Bern waiting for my passport, I found a lot of people, but I couldn’t speak to them. So I got hold of three men and pulled them unto me. They stared, but I got them on their knees. Then we prayed, and the revival began. I couldn’t talk to them, but I could show them the way to talk to Someone else.

God will move upon the people to make them see the glory of God just as it was when Jesus walked in this world, and I believe the Holy Ghost will do special wonders and miracles in these last days. I was taken to see a young woman who was very ill. The young man who showed me the way said, “I am afraid we shall not be able to do much here, because of her mother, and the doctors are coming.” I said, “This is what God has brought me here for,” and when I prayed the young woman was instantly healed by the power of God. God the Holy Ghost says in our hearts today that it is only He who can do it. After that we got crowds, and I ministered to the sick among them for two hours.

The secret for the future is living and moving in the power of the Holy Ghost. One thing I rejoice in is that there need not be an hour or a moment when I do not know the Holy Ghost is upon me. Oh, this glorious life in God is beyond expression; it is God manifest in the flesh. Oh, this glorious unction of the Holy Ghost — that we move by the Spirit. He should be our continual life. The Holy Ghost has the last thoughts of anything that God wants to give. Glory to God for the Holy Ghost! We must see that we live in the place where we say, “What wilt Thou have me to do?” and are in the place where He can work in us to will and to do of His good pleasure.
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Saturday, February 6, 2010

1923 Smith Wigglesworth Sermon: The Active Life of the Spirit-filled Believer

These are the last days; the days of the falling away. These are days when Satan is having a great deal of power. But we must keep in mind that Satan has no power only as he is allowed.

It is a great thing to know that God is loosing you from the world, loosing you from a thousand things. You must seek to have the mind of God on all things. If you don’t, you will stop His working. I had to learn that as I was on the water en route to Australia. We stopped at a place called Aden, where they were selling all kinds of ware. Among other things were some beautiful rugs and ostrich feathers in great quantities. There was a gentleman in “first class” who wanted feathers. He bought one lot and the next lot put up was too big; he did not want so many. He said to me, “Will you join me?” I knew I did not want feathers for I had no room or use for them and wouldn’t know what to do with them if I got them. However, he pleaded with me to join him. I perceived it was the Spirit as clearly as anything and I said, “Yes, I will.” So the feathers were knocked down for fifteen dollars. Then I found the man had no money on him. He had plenty in his cabin. I perceived it was the Spirit again, so it fell to my lot to pay for the feathers. He said to me, “I will get the money and give it to one of the stewards.” I replied: “No, that is not business. I am known all over the ship. You seek me out.”

The man came and brought the money. I said, “God wants me to talk to you. Now sit down.” So he sat down and in ten minutes’ time the whole of his life was unhinged, unraveled, broken up, so broken that like a big baby he wept and cried for salvation. It was “feathers” that did it. But you know we shall never know the mind of God till we learn to know the voice of God. The striking thing about Moses is that it took him forty years to learn human wisdom, forty years to know his helplessness, and forty years to live in the power of God. One hundred and twenty years it took to teach that man, and sometimes it seems to me it will take many years to bring us just where we can tell the voice of God, the leadings of God, and all His will concerning us.

I see that all revelation, all illumination, everything that God had in Christ was to be brought forth into perfect light that we might be able to live the same, produce the same, and be in every activity sons of God with power. It must be so. We must not limit the Holy One. And we must clearly see that God brought us forth to make us supernatural, that we might be changed all the time on the line of the supernatural, that we may every day live so in the Spirit, that all of the revelations of God are just like a canvas thrown before our eyes, on which we see clearly step by step all the divine will of God.

Any assembly that puts its hand upon the working of the Spirit will surely dry up. The assembly must be as free in the Spirit as possible, and you must allow a certain amount of extravagance when people are getting through to God. Unless we are very wise, we can easily interfere and quench the power of God which is upon us. It is an evident fact that one man in a meeting, filled with unbelief, can make a place for the devil to have a seat. And it is very true, that if we are not careful we may quench the Spirit of some person who is innocent but incapable of helping himself. “We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak.” (Romans 15:1). If you want an assembly full of life you must have one in which the Spirit of God is manifested. And in order to keep at the boiling pitch of that blessed incarnation of the Spirit, you must be as simple as babies; you must be as harmless as doves and as wise as serpents (Matthew 10:16).

I always ask God for a leading of grace. It takes grace to be in a meeting because it is so easy if you are not careful, to get on the natural side. The man who is a preacher, if he has lost the unction, will be well repaid if he will repent and get right with God and get the unction back. It never pays us to be less than always spiritual, and we must have a divine language and the language must be of God. Beloved, if you come into real perfect line with the grace of God, one thing will certainly take place in your life. You will change from that old position of the world’s line where you were judging everybody, and where you were not trusting anyone, and come into a place where you will have a heart that will believe all things; a heart that under no circumstances reviles again when you are reviled.

I know many of you think many times before you speak once. Here is a great word: “For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil” (Romans 16:19). Innocent. No inward corruption or defilement, that is full of distrusts, but just a holy, divine likeness of Jesus that dares believe that God Almighty will surely watch over all. Hallelujah! “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways” (Psalm 91:10,11). The child of God who is rocked in the bosom of the Father has the sweetest touch of heaven, and the honey of the Word is always in it.

If the saints only knew how precious they are in the sight of God they would scarcely be able to sleep for thinking of His watchful, loving care. Oh, He is a precious Jesus! He is a lovely Savior! He is divine in all His attitude toward us, and makes our hearts to burn. There is nothing like it. “Oh,” they said on the road to Emmaus, “did not our heart burn within us, as He walked with us and talked with us?” (Luke 24:32). Oh beloved, it must be so today.

Always keep in your mind the fact that the Holy Ghost must bring manifestation. We must understand that the Holy Ghost is breath, the Holy Ghost is Person, and it is the most marvelous thing to me to know that this Holy Ghost power can be in every part of your body. You can feel it from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. Oh, it is lovely to be burning all over with the Holy Ghost! And when that takes place there is nothing but the operation of the tongue that must give forth the glory and the praise.

You must be in the place of magnifying the Lord. The Holy Ghost is the great Magnifier of Jesus, the great Illuminator of Jesus. And so after the Holy Ghost comes in, it is impossible to keep your tongue still. Why, you would burst if you didn’t give Him utterance. Talk about a dumb baptized soul? Such a person is not to be found in the Scriptures. You will find that when you speak unto God in the new tongue He gives you, you enter into a close communion with Him hitherto never experienced. Talk about preaching! I would like to know how it will be possible for all the people filled with the Holy Ghost to stop preaching. Even the sons and daughters must prophesy. After the Holy Ghost comes in, a man is in a new order in God. And you will find it so real that you will want to sing, talk, laugh, and shout. We are in a strange place when the Holy Ghost comes in.

If the incoming of the Spirit is lovely, what must be the onflow? The incoming is only to be an onflow. I am very interested in scenery. When I was in Switzerland I wouldn’t be satisfied till I went to the top of the mountain, though I like the valleys also. On the summit of the mountain the sun beats on the snow and sends the water trickling down the mountains right through to the meadows. Go there and see if you can stop it. Just so in the spiritual. God begins with the divine flow of His eternal power which is the Holy Ghost, and you cannot stop it.

We must always clearly see that the baptism with the Spirit must make us ministering spirits.

Peter and John had been baptized only a short time. Did they know what they had? No, I defy you to know what you have. No one knows what he has in the baptism with the Holy Ghost. You have no conception of it. You cannot measure it by an human standards. It is greater than any man has any idea of, and consequently those two disciples had no idea what they had. For the first time after they were baptized in the Holy Ghost they came down to the Gate Beautiful. There they saw the man sitting who for forty years had been lame. What was the first thing after they saw him? Ministration. What was the second? Operation. What was the third? Manifestation, of course. It could not be otherwise. You will always find that this order in the Scripture will be carried out in everybody.

I clearly see that we ought to have spiritual giants in the earth, mighty in apprehension, amazing in activity, always having a wonderful report because of their activity in faith. I find instead that there are many people who perhaps have better discernment than you, better knowledge of the Word than you, but they have failed to put it into practice, so these gifts lie dormant. I am here to help you to begin on the sea of life with mighty acts in the power of God through the gifts of the Spirit. You will find that this which I am speaking on is out of knowledge derived from a wonderful experience in many lands. The man who is filled with the Holy Ghost is always acting. You read the first verse of the Acts of the Apostles, “Jesus began both to do and teach.” He began to do first, and so must we.


Beloved, we must see that the baptism with the Holy Ghost is an activity with an outward manifestation. When I was in Norway, God was mightily moving there, though I had to talk by interpretation. However, God always worked in a wonderful way. One day we met a man who stopped the three men I was with, one being the interpreter. I was walking on, but I saw he was in a dilemma, so I turned back and said to the interpreter, “What is the trouble?” “This man,” he said, “is so full of neuralgia that he is almost blind and he is in a terrible state.” As soon as ever they finished the conversation I said to the spirit that was afflicting him, “Come out of him in the name of Jesus.” And the man said, “It is all gone! It is all gone! I am free.” Ah, brothers, we have no conception of what God has for us!

I will tell you what happened in Sydney, Australia. A man with a stick passed a friend and me. He had to get down and then twist over, and the tortures on his face made a deep impression on my soul. I asked myself, “Is it right to pass this man?” So I said to my friend, “There is a man in awful distress, and I cannot go further. I must speak to him.” I went over to this man and said to him, “You seem to be in great trouble.” “Yes,” he said, “I am no good and never will be.” I said, “You see that hotel. Be in front of that door in five minutes and I will pray for you, and you shall be as straight as any man in this place.” This is on the line of activity in the faith of Jesus. I came back after paying a bill, and he was there. I will never forget him wondering if he was going to be trapped, or what was up that a man should stop him in the street and tell him he should be made straight. I had said it, so it must be. If you say anything you must stand with God to make it so. Never say anything for bravado, without you have the right to say it. Always be sure of your ground, and that you are honouring God. If there is anything about it to make you anything, it will bring you sorrow. Your whole ministry will have to be on the line of grace and blessing. We helped him up the two steps, passed him through to the elevator, and took him upstairs. It seemed difficult to get him from the elevator to my bedroom, as though Satan was making the last stroke for his life, but we got him there. Then in five minutes’ time this man walked out of that bedroom as straight as any man in this place. He walked perfectly and declared he hadn’t a pain in his body.

Oh, brother, it is ministration, it is operation, it is manifestation! Those are three of the leading principles of the baptism with the Holy Ghost. And we must see to it that God is producing these three through us.

The Bible is the Word of God, it has the truths and whatever people may say of them they stand stationary, unmovable. Not one jot or tittle shall fail of all His good promises. His word will come forth. In heaven it is settled, on earth it must be made manifest that He is the God of everlasting power.

God wants manifestation and He wants His glory to be seen. He wants us all to be filled with that line of thought that He can look upon us and delight in us subduing the world unto Him. And so you are going to miss a great deal if you don’t begin to act. But once you begin to act in the order of God, you will find that God establishes your faith and from that day starts you on the line of the promises. When will you begin?


In a place in England I was dealing on the lines of faith and what would take place if we believed God. Many things happened. But when I got away it appeared one man who worked in the colliery had heard me. He was in trouble with a stiff knee. He said to his wife, “I cannot help but think every day that that message of Wigglesworth’s was to stir us to do something. I cannot get away from it. All the men in the pit know how I walk with a stiff knee, and you know how you have wrapped it around with yards of flannel. Well, I am going to act. You have to be the congregation.” He got his wife in front of him. “I am going to act and do just as Wigglesworth did.” He got hold of his leg unmercifully, saying, “Come out, you devils, come out! In the name of Jesus. Now, Jesus, help me. Come out, you devils, come out.” Then he said, “Wife they are gone! Wife, they are gone. This is too good. I am going to act now.” So he went to his place of worship and all the collier boys were there. It was a prayer meeting. As he told them this story these men became delighted. They said, “Jack, come over here and help me.” And Jack went. As soon a he was through in one home he was invited to another, loosing these people of the pains they had gotten in the colliery.

Ah, brothers and sisters, we have no idea what God has for us if we will only begin! But oh, the grace we need! We may make a mishap. If you do it outside of Him, if you do it for yourself, and if you want to be some one, it will be a failure. We shall only be able to do well as we do it in the name of Jesus. Oh, the love that God’s Son can put into us if we are only humble enough, weak enough, and helpless enough to know that except He does it, it will not be done! “What things soever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive and ye shall have them.”

Live in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, walk in communion with the Spirit, talk with God. All leadings of the divine order are for you. I pray that if there are any who have turned to their own way and have made God second, they will come to repentance on all lines. Separate yourself from every earthly touch, and touch ideas. And God will bring you to an end of yourself. Begin with God this moment.

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