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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Catholics and Baptists - Two Wings of the False Apostate Church? by Roger Bovee

Read the book of Acts in the Bible for a description of the early first century church, and then tell me if this reminds you anything of a typical modern Catholic service or a typical modern Baptist service? Of course not. The early church was Pentecostal. They spoke in other tongues. They cast out demons. They healed the sick. They had such long sermons sometimes that once one guy fell asleep and fell down from the third story dead - and then the Apostle Paul prayed for him and he rose from the dead.

So what happened? False brethren were already trying to sneak into the first century church. But they got the gospel preached in all the world before the apostates took over. The Apostle Paul wrote that after his departure, grievous wolves would come in, not sparing the flock. Many of these early Christians were martyred, and then someone probably took over the Apostle Peter's position, who was a "wolf in sheep's clothing," and declared himself the first pope. He brought in the very ritualistic Catholic services, the monks, nuns, cardinals, praying to saints, and calling ministers "fathers" that Jesus Christ had expressly forbidden.

Then another false brethren started the Baptist religion, which also traces it's history to this time. Now you didn't have to stop sinning, you could pray a little five minute prayer and have "eternal security." So seeing you had eternal security you didn't have to live a particularly holy life. You could join the lodge and become a "sipping saint" as many modern Baptists have become. Ther was no longer an emphasis on the baptism in the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in other tongues or in divine healing. Many no longer believed in a rapture of the Bride of Christ.

I grew up in an Assembly of God church in the 1950s. This was a Pentecostal church that believed that when you really get saved you stop sinning. They believed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, divine healing, revivals, and had prayer meetings. They were against lodge membership, playing cards, drinking, smoking, and going to movies. Church parties were a very rare activity. As the years passed and this church went into apostasy, they started believing in eternal security. There was no longer much if any emphasis on the baptism in the Holy Spirit or divine healing. Some of the members started joining the lodge, drinking, and smoking. There was no longer much if any talk about the rapture of the Bride of Christ and no longer any prayer meetings. And this church could probably change it's name to "First Baptist Church" and they would fit right in with the other Baptist churches of today. In fact, I think that's what has happened in many cases and that's why there are so many Baptist churches in the United States.

So what we need is a revival. Where we become Pentecostal. Where we stop sinning, stop smoking, stop drinking, and get out of the lodges. Where we read the King James version Bible every day and try to do what it says. Where we start to pray at least an hour ever day, "groaning in the Spirit." We may not get much encouragement on this from our modern churches. We may have to do it on our own or perhaps with a few others who feel similarly. But we need to come out of Babylon in this way and be separate. There is a comet in the sky right now that was so bright you could have see it with the naked eye from 5am to 7am in the morning in October that some think is the "sign of the coming of the Lord." We need to seek revival because there isn't much time left before the "rapture of the Bride of Christ."
Read the book of Acts in the Bible for a description of the early first century church, and then tell me if this reminds you anything of a typical modern Catholic service or a typical modern Baptist service? Of course not. The early church was Pentecostal. They spoke in other tongues. They cast out demons. They healed the sick. They had such long sermons sometimes that once one guy fell asleep and fell down from the third story dead - and then the Apostle Paul prayed for him and he rose from the dead.

So what happened? False brethren were already trying to sneak into the first century church. But they got the gospel preached in all the world before the apostates took over. The Apostle Paul wrote that after his departure, grievous wolves would come in, not sparing the flock. Many of these early Christians were martyred, and then someone probably took over the Apostle Peter's position, who was a "wolf in sheep's clothing," and declared himself the first pope. He brought in the very ritualistic Catholic services, the monks, nuns, cardinals, praying to saints, and calling ministers "fathers" that Jesus Christ had expressly forbidden.

Then another false brethren started the Baptist religion, which also traces it's history to this time. Now you didn't have to stop sinning, you could pray a little five minute prayer and have "eternal security." So seeing you had eternal security you didn't have to live a particularly holy life. You could join the lodge and become a "sipping saint" as many modern Baptists have become. Ther was no longer an emphasis on the baptism in the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in other tongues or in divine healing. Many no longer believed in a rapture of the Bride of Christ.

I grew up in an Assembly of God church in the 1950s. This was a Pentecostal church that believed that when you really get saved you stop sinning. They believed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, divine healing, revivals, and had prayer meetings. They were against lodge membership, playing cards, drinking, smoking, and going to movies. Church parties were a very rare activity. As the years passed and this church went into apostasy, they started believing in eternal security. There was no longer much if any emphasis on the baptism in the Holy Spirit or divine healing. Some of the members started joining the lodge, drinking, and smoking. There was no longer much if any talk about the rapture of the Bride of Christ and no longer any prayer meetings. And this church could probably change it's name to "First Baptist Church" and they would fit right in with the other Baptist churches of today. In fact, I think that's what has happened in many cases and that's why there are so many Baptist churches in the United States.

So what we need is a revival. Where we become Pentecostal. Where we stop sinning, stop smoking, stop drinking, and get out of the lodges. Where we read the King James version Bible every day and try to do what it says. Where we start to pray at least an hour ever day, "groaning in the Spirit." We may not get much encouragement on this from our modern churches. We may have to do it on our own or perhaps with a few others who feel similarly. But we need to come out of Babylon in this way and be separate. There is a comet in the sky right now so bright you can see it with the naked eye from 5am to 7am in the morning some think is the "sign of the coming of the Lord." We need to seek revival because there isn't much time left before the "rapture of the Bride of Christ."Read the book of Acts in the Bible for a description of the early first century church, and then tell me if this reminds you anything of a typical modern Catholic service or a typical modern Baptist service? Of course not. The early church was Pentecostal. They spoke in other tongues. They cast out demons. They healed the sick. They had such long sermons sometimes that once one guy fell asleep and fell down from the third story dead - and then the Apostle Paul prayed for him and he rose from the dead.

So what happened? False brethren were already trying to sneak into the first century church. But they got the gospel preached in all the world before the apostates took over. The Apostle Paul wrote that after his departure, grievous wolves would come in, not sparing the flock. Many of these early Christians were martyred, and then someone probably took over the Apostle Peter's position, who was a "wolf in sheep's clothing," and declared himself the first pope. He brought in the very ritualistic Catholic services, the monks, nuns, cardinals, praying to saints, and calling ministers "fathers" that Jesus Christ had expressly forbidden.

Then another false brethren started the Baptist religion, which also traces it's history to this time. Now you didn't have to stop sinning, you could pray a little five minute prayer and have "eternal security." So seeing you had eternal security you didn't have to live a particularly holy life. You could join the lodge and become a "sipping saint" as many modern Baptists have become. Ther was no longer an emphasis on the baptism in the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in other tongues or in divine healing. Many no longer believed in a rapture of the Bride of Christ.

I grew up in an Assembly of God church in the 1950s. This was a Pentecostal church that believed that when you really get saved you stop sinning. They believed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, divine healing, revivals, and had prayer meetings. They were against lodge membership, playing cards, drinking, smoking, and going to movies. Church parties were a very rare activity. As the years passed and this church went into apostasy, they started believing in eternal security. There was no longer much if any emphasis on the baptism in the Holy Spirit or divine healing. Some of the members started joining the lodge, drinking, and smoking. There was no longer much if any talk about the rapture of the Bride of Christ and no longer any prayer meetings. And this church could probably change it's name to "First Baptist Church" and they would fit right in with the other Baptist churches of today. In fact, I think that's what has happened in many cases and that's why there are so many Baptist churches in the United States.

So what we need is a revival. Where we become Pentecostal. Where we stop sinning, stop smoking, stop drinking, and get out of the lodges. Where we read the King James version Bible every day and try to do what it says. Where we start to pray at least an hour ever day, "groaning in the Spirit." We may not get much encouragement on this from our modern churches. We may have to do it on our own or perhaps with a few others who feel similarly. But we need to come out of Babylon in this way and be separate. There is a comet in the sky right now so bright you can see it with the naked eye from 5am to 7am in the morning some think is the "sign of the coming of the Lord." We need to seek revival because there isn't much time left before the "rapture of the Bride of Christ."