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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Lyrics to "Give Me That Old Time Religion"

(Originally titled Give Me That Old Time Religion)
© 2004/2005 Arranged & Produced By Robert Metzgar
Lyrics by Janie West Metzgar [deceased] ASCAP
Bluegrass melody by Robert Metzgar (ASCAP)
Contact Copyright Administrator for further information
Published by ® Aim High Music/Zomba-BMG Publishing (ASCAP) . Nashville
©2004/2005 By Robert Metzgar, Arranger of ASCAP SONGS
© Ultimate Greatest Gospel Arrangements
ISRC CODE US-PP6-04-95407-01

The Chorus:

Tis the old time religion....
Tis the....old time religion....
Tis the old time religion.....
And, it's good enough for me........

Verse One:

It was good for our mothers.......
It was good for our mothers....
It was good for our mothers..........
It's good enough for me......

The Chorus:

Give me that old time religion....
Give me that....old time religion....
O give me that old time religion.....
It's good enough for me........

Verse Two:

Makes me love everybody..........
Makes me love everybody..........
Makes me love everybody..........
It's good enough for me................

Verse Three:

It will do when I am dying.......
It will do when I am dying.......
It will do when I am dying.......
It's good enough for me................

Verse Four:

It will take us all to Heaven...
It will take us all to Heaven....
It will take us all to Heaven....
It's good enough for me................

The Chorus:

Give me that old time religion....
Give me that....old time religion....
O give me that old time religion.....
It's good enough for me........

Other Verses:

5. It has saved our fathers.......
6. It was good for the Prophet Daniel.....
7. It was good for the Hebrew children....
8. It was tried in the fiery furnace......

9. It was good for Paul and Silas......
10. It's a promise you can count on.....
11. It will make us shout the victory.....
12. Leave your burdens all behind you.....


O give me that old time religion.....
It's good enough for me.......

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sermon - Revive Us Again

Folks, we're living in the last days. It's time to get revived. It's time to seek the Lord with all of our hearts. President Bush just referred to World War III in a speech. Both Russia and the US have been carrying out war games lately. Russia and China have formed an alliance lately. Iran and Syria are allies of Russia and China, and so is the Sudan. We have a very militant administration in the US now that is spending record amounts on military "defense," which maybe should be called offense. The United States has recently completed a miliary defense "missile shield" in Eastern Europe which basically gives the US first strike capability against Russia. Retired Colonel Bob Bowman says former presidents Nixon and Reagan both gave the orders to attack the old Soviet Union, but the military officers both times refused to execute the orders, considering them to be illegal. And it is rumored that President Bush has already given orders a couple of times to attack Iran but on both occasions the military refused to execute those orders. But President Bush continues to juggle his generals around, trying to find some who will execute his orders. He recently fired General Peter Pace and replaced him with Admiral Mellon, and Admiral Mellon says he believes in "just following orders." I'm not saying all of this to scare you, but just to let you know that we're living in very perilous times and it's time to seek the Lord with all of our hearts if we're ever going to.

It's time to start fasting. It's time to stay up all night praying. That's called watching and praying. We need to know for sure we're really saved. I think many people think they are that aren't really. We need to get these "politics demons" cast out where we think Christianity is somehow akin to just being a good member of the Republican Party. It's time to start following Jesus Christ according to what He said in the King James Version Bible and not most of these modern apostate preachers, ministers and priests. it's time to start reading the King James version Bible again instead of these modern monstosities. We should go to the best church we can find but then seek the Lord on our own. God is responding to those who are repenting, confessing their sins, seeking for revival, and seeking for sanctification and the baptism with the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking with other tongues.

Here's a suggested prayer to pray if you're serious. "Lord Jesus, I call on Your name right now. Save me to the uttermost. Heal me. Deliver me from demons and all the power of Satan. Baptize and fill me to overflowing with the Holy Ghost and fire with evidence of other tongues. Sanctify me. Wash me white as snow with Your precious blood. Make me a new creature in Jesus Christ, ready in every way to go home to You in heaven in Your soon coming rapture. Amen.